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Trailer of Gold

The soil is a wonderful thing…..Treat it like a good old friend….give it the sort of nourishment it really appreciates….keep it in good heart – and it will reward you by growing almost anything your heart desires.
Fred Streeter

The weather forecast for this weekend had been rain, rain and more rain but luck prevailed and I managed a whole day at the plot yesterday, including a manure delivery.

I never thought I would one…pay for a pile of poo, and two…get excited about it being delivered! But for us allotmenteers manure is gold, so £25 for a whole trailer of gold seems a bargain.

Friday had been pretty grim with lots of rain, so when I arrived I lifted back a section of the weed membrane to allow the air to get the ground for a while before I started digging. Whilst waiting I cleared the outhouse of the shed, cut back and pulled up any weeds. Now it just needs weed membrane or slabs laying down then a good clean. Here is a before photo of one side.
Any tips on cleaning solution, or just traditional soap and water?

Bang on time, 11am and the manure arrived from a local farm about 3 miles away. I wasn’t expecting as much as arrived so delighted. Lots of shovelling to do!
I shovelled about half on to the plot then felt like I wasn’t making the desired progress, so stopped and started digging and pulling up never-ending nettle roots until it was time to go home.

Weeds will be never-ending story, but great stories aren’t made without challenges, determination and hard work.


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