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Allotment Aspirations

What a weekend, especially when it comes to allotment related achievements.

Sunday started off with a trip to Newbury Garden Show which turned out to actually be a very small part of the All About Dogs show.
This would of been seriously disappointing if it wasn’t for the fact that I had gone there purposely to meet Katie Lane from Lavender & Leeks.
I have followed Katie since I got my allotment, watching her YouTube videos and journey on Instagram. Being a similar age and an enthusiastic female ‘allotmenteer’ like myself, she has always inspired me alongside many others.

One of my many allotments goals and dreams was ticked…

Whilst I was at the stand that she runs with her dad, David, I couldn’t resist buying some of their handmade cloche hoops for the allotment. I just need to buy some corrugated plastic, then I can get them up warming the soil ahead of sowing my beetroot, carrots and spring onions seeds.

Got home by lunchtime and headed straight up the allotment for two hours of shovelling manure, tidying up and of course, more digging.
I have so much still to do, but then I believe that an allotment is a never-ending journey full of things to do, learn and adapt.
I will share my lengthy ‘to list’ with you another time…

A warm cup of tea from the stove later and I was back home to pot on my Sweet Peas, Piccante Peppers and Cosmos flowers.

I can only dream that maybe one day, I will meet someone who gets as excited and nervous as I did meeting Katie and who says that I have inspired them.

What are your allotment dreams and goals? Who do you admire?



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