Site icon Life at No.27

No.27: Personality Installed

I am officially knackered, but what a glorious weekend! The sun shined continuously, the seedlings all shot up and so did all the weeds.

It has been a dry here all week luckily so I thought I would take opportunity of the light evenings after work to add some personality to the plot.
I have had the shed paint and accessories (pretty things) stored and slowly building up waiting for the digging to be done and the sun to shine.

The week started with me roping in the man to help me, being 6′ 3” he certainly has his advantages such as being able to reach the top of the shed and also helping me put the bean canes up.
I went for Cuprinol paint in ‘Willow’, which after sharing on Twitter seems to be a popular choice. I got a personalised trug for Christmas which is exactly the same shade and a bee house, all very co-ordinated.
Another project I wanted to get underway was my seating area, especially with this glorious weather. I have had the vision for some time so it’s great to finally start putting it into action and make it a reality. Once it is finished, it will be perfect for relaxing, surveying my hard work, enjoying a book and/or having a cheeky cider.

I have been on the hunt for some woodchip for a while, determined to find a free source if possible. After numerous people suggested trying tree surgeons this is what I did, I kept ringing round local companies and leaving messages until I got lucky.
It does mean you usually have to go bag it up and move it yourself, but you can’t grumble when it’s free.
I believe some will deliver to your plot but this might be for a fee or only immediately after they have finished a woodchip job.

First coat of paint done, followed by laying the weed membrane and two bags of woodchip. Evening 1 completed, and onto the next evening…second coat of paint and more woodchip, its starting to take shape now.

Day 3, another 10 bags of woodchip and 5 tree stumps transported to the plot and added to the installation. I also planted a compact lavender, which smells divine. I can’t wait for it to start flowering and have the scent in the air when I am relaxing.

Day 4, I’m nearly there! I fitted the bee house to the shed, hanged my wind chime, sowed a wild flower mix, bought out my galvanised containers which I adore and added a bit more woodchip.

Finally, we made it today, a sweltering 26 degrees but no rest for the wicked. We have to make the most of these days, especially with rain forecasted next week.
I trimmed the grass edges of the plot, raked over the flower area, planted out my sweet peas and sowed a row of poached egg flowers; official name Limnanthes Douglasil.
Last job of the day completed was raking and weeding the other beds, especially between my rows of potatoes which finally decided to come up over the last few days. Definite ‘happy dance’ moment!
I was starting to get nervous about my spuds, especially as I kept seeing photos of other peoples coming up quicker. I am now glad I planted mine that extra bit deeper and piled up the soil on top, as it meant they stayed underground whilst we had the snow and hail the other week.
I know other people have had the devastating effects of rotting already due to planting out early and the frost taking hold. I really do hope that if you were affected, your potatoes are fighting back. There is also still time to plant some more, so please try not to let it get you down too much.

I hope you all enjoyed the sunny weather, got lots of work done at your allotment or in the garden and most importantly, didn’t get too burnt. Factor 50 for me!
Here is some final photo’s from me before I catch up on this week’s Gardeners World and head for a nap on the sofa.

PS. No clothes were removed in the making of this vision #nakedgardeningday

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