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Come rain or shine…it’s Allotment Time!

Well the sun finally arrived for a day – on a Saturday with no plans too! Whoop Whoop!

It may of only been one day of delight in amongst showers a plenty right now, but I was sure to make the most of it and get up to my happy place – my Eden and escape.
A few hours of getting creative and muddy later, my frown was turned upside down, gardening really does work wonders doesn’t it?!
So much so that I was back up there on Sunday, before and during our always reliable friend ‘the rain’ arrived. It’s amazing how once you get cracking – planting and sowing away, you forget the heavens are pouring down on you. At least until you stop, look down at yourself and realise that you are a drowned muddy rat with snot all up your arms, but I was a very happy one who had achieved a lot.

Saturday, I just wanted to be up there so pottered about with no real plan…sometimes this is all we need.
I did get quite a bit done though in the end, gradually working my way around the plot as I saw things to do. Three beds were roughly turned over and raked – I’m trying this soil prep on one side of the plot and completely no-dig on the other. Will then compare the differences throughout the year and share my thoughts with you.
I’m off to see the inspiring Steph Hafferty and the original expert of no-dig, Charles Dowding in a matter of weeks now, which is making me super excited and I have plenty of questions at the ready. If you have any particular questions then comment below and I will be sure to ask them for you!

Weeding galore was done too, as well as planting a herbaceous peony, an unknown variety which my lovely plot neighbour gave me from her old plot before she moved away.

Feeling chirpier after some hard graft and plot visit from a friendly robin, I called it a day and walked home in the sunset. It felt lovely!

Sunday arrived and unfortunately so did the forecasted rain. Unlike the day before which was a pleasant surprise for all I think.

This wasn’t stopping me though as felt I needed more ‘me’ time in my happy place, so rain or shine I was getting up there. I even had a plan this time….check me out! Sad or not, I did feel like I may be back on form and being my usual Miss Organised self.

I set myself these tasks and all were achieved…yay! I do love these kinda days.

  1. Visit Root One, my local garden centre and buy compost to fill the trug and potato sacks. Don’t quite have enough of my own plot made treasure just yet.
  2. Plant my chitted Purple Majesty and Blue Danube quirky varieties from my Potato Day trip in to the bags, two seed potatoes per bag.
    I still have Rooster and Pink Fir Apple varieties as well, which I will plant direct in mass on the allotment when the soil is dry and more workable.

  3. Fill the trug up with the compost and a good amount of Soilfixer biochar (used this last year with fantastic success), before sowing a row of very exciting tennis ball size radish seeds called Red Meat by Groseeds, alongside a row of soon to be delicious Mixed Salad Leaves.
    We may have another dip in temperature so I have fleece at the ready but am keeping my fingers crossed for germination success and near future first harvesting for 2018!

    4. Last on the list was to plant out some broad bean seedlings that I was very kindly gifted. Does anyone else have these plans of not growing certain veg and then all of sudden you are offered some, can’t say no and your plot is a 1/4 full before you have even started your original plan?!

    They will be delicious come the Summer, especially in the Warm Bean Salad with Bacon recipe I found last year…yum!

    That was me done for the day, a quick but super productive and successful trip. I cleaned up my tools, gave my hands a quick wipe over so they were at least clean enough for the steering wheel and headed home to dry off.  Muddy soggy clothes in the wash, it felt good – that deep soul, eye sparkling, smile inducing kinda good.


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