No.27: 0-4 months

As many of you know, I got N0.27, my first allotment on the 27th October 2015  and started work a few days after.

The journey has been incredible and I have loved sharing it with you just as much as getting the work done and watching the plot grow.
I remember feeling so overwhelmed with no experience at all, but determined to succeed with the help of lots of books and passion. It was only last weekend when planting the potatoes that I finally felt like I was getting somewhere and would be ready in time for Spring and my first growing year.

I have been looking back at all the photo’s I have taken, which is probably more than anyone. I have to take new photo’s on every visit, it’s a must for me!

It’s also perfect for times like now when I want to reminisce.

Time to scroll back the months ….


I’m already excited to look back again in another 4 months time….have a great weekend and happy gardening!

23 thoughts on “No.27: 0-4 months

  1. nftallotment says:

    What a transformation! And just wait until things actually start growing 🙂 You really won’t recognise the old photos by the middle of summer. Happy gardening to you too (I’m planting asparagus crowns tomorrow, so that’s me sorted).

  2. tontowilliams says:

    You’ve made incredible progress in 4 months, and I think you’re going to have a great first year. You’ll be harvesting your first veg before you know it. Keep up the hard work, it’s good to see that you’re enjoying it so much.

    • livingwithbelle says:

      Thank you, I really hope so! I do love it and can’t wait for the long summer days so I get harvesting and can make the shed all lovely inside and paint the outside. I have had the paint for months haha

  3. Flighty says:

    Well done on what you’ve achieved over the winter. The coming months will see another amazing transformation as things grow. Happy plotting. xx

  4. Andrew O'Brien says:

    You’re doing so well! Love reading your progress. And I really love that random gate at the top of your plot – is there anything either side of it like a wire fence? Or is it just standing there? It’s brilliant, whatever! What have you got planned for the weekend on the allotment?

    • livingwithbelle says:

      Thank you Andrew! I do love the gate, it’s the only one on the site and made me love the plot even when it was a mess. Haha, there is a wire fence around the whole plot so no it’s not just standing there 😊
      Due rain overnight so will see what it’s like in the morning up at the plot. Out Sunday at a garden show meeting a fellow allotmenteer I met online, Katie Lane and probably spending too much money. You got much plans or more race practice?

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