Christmas presents and the never ending roots

I thought I would I share with you the loves and loathes of my allotment over the festive period.

Let’s start with the loves:

My allotment Christmas presents – I love every single one of them and they are exactly what I wanted.
Personalised trug, camping gas stove and kettle, welly warmers, books and a RHS allotment notebook for lots of planning.

Now for the loathes…
This shouldn’t need any explaining for any other allotment owners.
If you happen to be reading my blog and thinking ‘Blimey, she is taking a long time to get her plot dug’. Well…you are cheeky and this is only from two fork fulls! I must of picked the worst corner to start in.
Luckily, the amount of nettles and their tedious roots appear to be slowly reducing the further along I get with the plot.

Would love to hear your loves and loathes of your allotment over the year or festive period.

8 thoughts on “Christmas presents and the never ending roots

  1. Flighty says:

    One consolation is that nettles are an indication of good soil. I think that the welly warmers are the best present.
    As far as plot loves and loathes go I like seeing seeds germinating and certainly don’t like the soggy ground at the moment.
    Happy planning and reading. xx

    • livingwithbelle says:

      That’s what I heard too and am holding on to that rule haha. The plot hasn’t had anything growing on it other than weeds for at least 3/4 years apparently so the soil should be good.
      Complete agree with your loves and loathes! Thank you, happy gardening! x

  2. The Garden Smallholder says:

    I recognise where your lovely trug is from! Great presents! Flighty is right, as much as they’re a pain to dig out nettles are a good indicator of fertile soil. I battled them in our veg garden this summer and they’re STILL popping up! I’m loathing the soggy ground too, especially with chickens on it! Loving the thought of spring getting closer and closer though, soon be time to get outside more 🙂

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